Getting Ready to Launch New Blur Tool! (Figma Tour)

We’re getting ready to release Jam’s newest feature, the blur tool! We can’t wait for you all to try it, so this week we’re showing you everything.

We’re getting ready to release Jam’s newest feature, the blur tool! We can’t wait for you all to try it, so this week on Building Jam we’re showing you everything. Figma walkthrough, staging demo, and all the unexpected twists and turns of blurring what’s in your browser — as you’re recording!

1:08 A lil blur tool demo
2:26 Figuring out an extra setting w/o cluttering our extension
5:27 Selecting, clicking + more design details in Figma
6:35 Why not make the selector a strawberry?
8:30 Why we decided against per-team access (more free blur)
13:14 The biggest eng challenge? Everything but the core feature!

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