Launching today: 9 updates to create tickets faster!

Logging bugs just got snappier 🫰

9 ways to create better issue tickets faster

We just launched a complete upgrade of Jam’s ticketing integrations: 9 updates that will make you even faster at creating tickets in your issue tracker, right from Jam.

You can connect Jam to any major ticketing platform: Asana, Azure, ClickUp, GitHub, GitLab, Linear, Jira, Notion, etc. No switching context, just 1-click to create a ticket right from the tab you're on.

We’re so excited for you to feel the new speed ⚡️. Let me show you around!

1. Meet the new Easy Button


Now it's 1–click to log a ticket from Jam: Click. Ticket created. Done.

2. Boosted memory size to save you time filling fields


We increased the memory size for this feature 2x, so Jam will always remember your settings. Fewer clicks + less time to create tickets.

3. New "Recents" section saves you from searching


It's a lot quicker, you can use arrow keys, no need to even use your mouse

4. Rebuilt for weight and speed


Integration fields have been rebuilt from the ground up to load faster and be milliseconds faster to click & select, too. Every moment you don’t have to spend filling out ticket details counts!

5. A total redesign to be easier to read, select, and edit

91 Figma frames later, and now every field, button, menu and interaction is a lot faster to skim.

6. Quick access to customize fields


Add and remove ticket fields with this new easy-access menu. Supports all the custom fields you have setup in your issue tracker.

7. 100% uptime even when your issue tracker is down


We’ll let you know when your Jam is saved, but your issue tracker is having an incident, so you can keep Jamming worry-free.

8. New & simplified menu


Quickly see where to log the bug, click create & move on to the next one!

And 1 last polish detail: check out the new skeleton loader


It’s Halloween somewhere.💀

Can’t wait for you to go log a bunch of tickets & enjoy the new speed! ⚡️

Happy Jamming!

Dealing with bugs is 💩, but not with Jam.

Capture bugs fast, in a format that thousands of developers love.
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